Friends of the Constitution Trail
To keep Normal clean, safe and attractive, the Adopt-a-Park / Adopt-a-Street / Adopt-a-Trail Program is a partnership between the Town of Normal and committed volunteers. Any individual or group can adopt a park, a section of a Town street or a segment of the Constitution Trail. Volunteers from civic organizations, social clubs, neighborhood associations, church or student organizations, workplace groups or individual families are welcome to participate. To sign up, complete the Adopt-a-Park/Street/Trail Application form or apply in person at the Parks & Recreation office, located in the City Hall Annex at 100 E. Phoenix Ave.
For ad-hoc trail clean up or one-time volunteer events in Normal, you may contact Gene Kotlinski (Normal – Parks & Recreation) (gkotlinski@normal.org) to let him know the date of the volunteer work, the number of people in the group and the cleanup location. Trash bags and gloves are available at the Park Administration Office located at 100 E. Phoenix Avenue, M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. You will be instructed to place collected trash next to an existing receptacle, and park maintenance staff will get the trash bags.
Information on Bloomington's Adopt-a-Park Program can be found here.
Bloomington is currently developing a ad-hoc trash collection program.